2024 is shaping up to be a bumper crop year! The growing season has been nearly perfect and the trees are very happy and responding well. New for this year is a 25 lb bag option for all sizes of chestnuts. Also note there is a farm pick-up option (instead of shipping) while checking out so if you want to stop by the farm to see the magic happening, we are happy to have visitors! Farm pick-up days will be on Fri/Sat/Sun. Please call for bulk pricing and availability for orders over 500 lbs. The online store will be opening on Sept 15th and shipping will start the 2nd week of October. Please get your order in early because there has been significant interest and I’m anticipating selling out quickly. Thank you and see you this fall!

Chestnuts for sale

Chestnuts are are wonderful addition to soups, stuffing, roasted fresh and much more. Chestnut flour is a gluten free healthy alternative to regular flour

Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for gods and poets, but humbler folk may circumvent this restriction if they know how. To plant a pine, for example, one need be neither god nor poet; one need only own a shovel. By virtue of this curious loophole in the rules, any clodhopper may say: Let there be a tree-and there will be one.

If his back be strong and his shovel sharp, there may eventually be ten thousand. And in the seventh year he may lean upon his shovel, and look upon his trees, and find them good.

-Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac